cpl 목록

Access.cpl Accessibility properties

Appwiz.cpl Add/Remove Programs properties

Desk.cpl Display properties

FindFast.cpl FindFast (included with Microsoft Office for Windows 95)

Inetcpl.cpl Internet properties

Intl.cpl Regional Settings properties

Joy.cpl Joystick properties

Main.cpl Mouse, Fonts, Keyboard, and Printers properties

Mlcfg32.cpl Microsoft Exchange or Windows Messaging properties

Mmsys.cpl Multimedia properties

Modem.cpl Modem properties

Netcpl.cpl Network properties

Odbccp32.cpl Data Sources (32-bit ODBC, included w/ Microsoft Office)

Password.cpl Password properties

Sticpl.cpl Scanners and Cameras properties

Sysdm.cpl System properties and Add New Hardware wizard

Themes.cpl Desktop Themes

TimeDate.cpl Date/Time properties

Wgpocpl.cpl Microsoft Mail Post Office

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