ECE's Revenge Plaid CTF 2015 Writeup

Last weekend was Plaid CTF, the annual capture the flag hosted by CMU’s plaid parliament of pwning. Here follows my attempt to explain how I solved the ECE’s Revenge2 challenge. Captf doesn’t seem to have the challenges up yet, so here’s a link to the challenge if you’d like to try it for yourself.

Some people on IRC said that they solved the challenge purely with pencil and paper. Really, this is a logic problem and requires thinking about your inputs

  • the simulator was convienent because it aided in calculating intermediary values for you, but you don’t need a simulator to solve the challenge. I was fortunate to have access to proprietary Altera Quartus and ModelSim software to work with the sv file so I could simulate signals and look at the response of various signals without having to go through and calculate values manually with a pen and paper.

The first task for me was to get the sv file to compile, which required splitting the various modules into separate files. The code to manipulate the clock and inputs to the main module I split into a file called Then I moved the top module into its own file which I set as the top level diagram in Quartus, and each of the part_a-d modules got their own file. I chose the default processor to simulate in Quartus, and then added the testbench to run as a testbench under “Assigments”->“Settings”->“EDA Tool Settings”->“Simulation”->“Compile Test Bench”->“Test Benches”->“New.” Then part_a wouldn’t compile because Quartus for some reason refuses to compile bitwise notted signals in always_ff blocks, so I had to edit the source a bit to get rid of the not. Below is a screenshot of what I ended up with: (gotta love vim splits)

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